I am starting week 2 as a #Xoogler. I'm a prolific #BugFiler even for companies I don't work for, so after I file an alphabet app bug via #InApp #SendFeedback I plan to post some here.
Last month I would've posted this bug to my currents page:
Google Currents - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Currents
or a #chats space visible to all alphabet.
Anyway, on #YouTube I filed via
Clicking top Right Profile icon on home page
Clicking #HelpAndFeedback
Clicking #SendFeedback
The 5k max on the #watchLater #playlist is horribly inconvenient for me. It also hurts that the functionality to copy a playlist into another playlist. I assumed things got removed from Watch Later if you watched them.
I had used Pandora as my main music app for decades, and it is still my favorite for background music, but I do love #YoutubeMusic for new songs, music videos, and playing a specific song. I am on a family play for #YouTubePremium which makes it very affordable.
I have also been using #SoundSearch from the main #GoogleSearch app, it effectively replaced the #Shazam app which has become much less useful to me since #Apple bought them in 2018. It used to help me find a related youtube video but it now seems stuck in #ApplesEcosystem.
So a song at a time I'd grab a song I was listening to on Pandora to import it to YouTube. Like just now sound search found:
Church Of The Falling Rain by #TheStoneCoyotes
Which can quickly take me to:
A video link:
Or a music link:
And then I could add it to my curated playlists if I knew I liked it, or more easily and more often I would add it to my #WatchLater
That was great until I recently hit the #5kLimit all #YouTubePlaylists have:
after which it returns
Playlist contains maximum number of items.
Behavior is different for the various YouTube services, music, web, tv, etc.
I'm also in a situation where I cluttered my UI by adding #otherPeoplesPlaylists that have somehow have the same priority as the ones I regularly use. Part of the problem may be from importing/sharing/collaborating on playlists I shared to myself from #oldYouTubeAccounts.
It didn't used to matter much what #YouTubeAccount I was logged in as, but now I'm trying to stay logged in to #YouTubePremium account.
I would definitely appreciate it if I could #sortPlaylists by #mostUsed. They seem to be be sorted by most recent or alphabetical. It's easier when adding to a playlists because it only shows playlists you are a collaborater on, but its then hard to find the playlist to listen to even though you just added to it.
No Leaf Clover https://g.co/kgs/eJ4C9U