While #Cplusplus is one of the most popular #programming languages out there, it is shunned by #cybersecurity companies and tech experts because of "serious attacks", and its developer has called for help. https://mindsconnected.tech/index.php?showtopic=1030&view=getnewpost #security #memorysafety #software #coding #vulnerability #tech
@mindsConnected How did this page manage to split the words in random places? It's 3 paragraphs that are hard to read.
@ivt I'm not seeing what you're seeing... could you provide a screenshot?
Try viewing the thread in Desktop Version if it's an issue on mobile (I tested it myself, and didn't see anything wrong at my end).
@mindsConnected here is what I see
@ivt Looks to me that's a text wrapping issue. I've raised the issue in this thread, to see if any of my members have the same problem on their phones > https://mindsconnected.tech/index.php?showtopic=52&view=findpost&p=8043
Or perhaps that's just an issue with the article excerpt within a quote that's causing this...
@mindsConnected The Register's article gives more details. Stroustrup is not just calling for people to defend the language. He's calling for the work that is done to make it safer is more advertised.
I programmed in C++ for around 10 years in the 1990s-2000s. I probably won't go back to it, but if they can make it safer it's good news. Let's see how this goes.