Wish Plex wasn’t utter shit at TV show metadata. (And the internet wasn’t full of insufferable assholes responding to every request for help with “looks like someone didn’t follow the instructions!”)
@misc Plex has the short window for being the better guide to all things streaming with a decent TV UX. They are trying but need to move faster.
@misc Sounds like Stackoverflow to me lol or any tech forum essentially. What is with that?!?
@GuitarKat as someone who used to hang out on tech forums a *lot* in the past, they probably get jaded after answering the same question multiple times.
(disclaimer: I'm not trying to defend the behaviour)
@noodlejetski @misc Then those people shouldn’t answer. Let someone else answer.
@GuitarKat @noodlejetski I'm particularly attuned to this issue, as someone who works in IT, but honestly isn't all that skilled at technology. I feel like my biggest advantage is empathy for users. Of course, I do get a lot of dumb questions, which makes me also empathetic for my much-less-patient boss. Real paradox of tolerance situation. (not really)
@misc @noodlejetski You bet. I tutored students and managed not to be mean. And I tutored students that were part of the inclusive and disabilities office - extra care and understanding required. And patience.
I am also in IT, and I worked with users and am a team lead.