@JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs that does not work for those who bring some value beyond pure code. Brainstorms, knowledge sharing, pair programming etc does not work well from the remote.
That may be the case for you personally, but it can't be generalised. I have been working remote for the past three years. I don't write code for work, most of my time is spent in meetings, including highly technical ones. By any indicator used by my employer, I have been very productive. My not being physically present has not had any negative effect on my organisation.
I never said KPI cannot be high though. I said, literally, “brainstorming, knowledge sharing, pair programming etc” would have suffered.
OK, that may be so in your case. Me and my team, we do all these things on line with no detriment.
@JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs
@wim_v12e @mudasobwa @JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs
Hello, which tools do you use for meetings, sharing documents and communicating? I'm genuinely curious, because my experience with Teams has been nothing less than painstaking...
I looked at Mattermost, seems a good solution, but I didn't test it in real conditions.
Thank you for your insight :).
@mudasobwa @wim_v12e @JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs
Brainstorming, knowledge sharing, pair programming, retrospectives, code reviews, etc are different but not necessarily worse or better; it all depends -- on the team, the timing, the project, etc.
I was a huge remote retro skeptic until I discovered a really good shared whiteboard app for the purpose -- i used MetroRetro, but here'a a link to several others if you're intrigued
@mudasobwa @wim_v12e @JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs Those things are literally my job and I've done BETTER remote. Maybe you would have suffered at those things, that doesn't make it true for all.
> I've done BETTER remote
Says who?
Apparently, I’ve never heard from a lecturing professor somewhat like “Yeah, not hearing a class and not seeing faces, looks and gestures of my students makes me teach them better.”
I am talking about not-yet-solved problems like “create and implement domain-specific algebra,” not about brainstorming decisions of whether the commit button should be green or red.
@mudasobwa @revjorobertson @wim_v12e @JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs That's a funny example because a lecture/workshop is about to start in the next room. By any metric I can think of, the move from in-person instruction to online instruction has been a boon for everyone involved.
Mind you, this instructor has held firmly onto her IP from the beginning, so she's not going to be made redundant by her own recordings.
@mudasobwa @revjorobertson @wim_v12e @JonnyT @mac @thomasfuchs Disabled people.