Make the coordinates public and let curiosity run its course.
@OsakaWilson @Ace_of_spades I think this is probably the way to go. If you inquire directly, they can easily find out who is calling and what your relationship to that area is. If a bunch of random internet snoopers start raising red flags, there might not be a whole lot that they can do against general public inquiry. (They being the people who own the land, and the organized crime, including, it sounds like, the local police and politicians as well)
If you inquire directly, they can easily find out who is calling and what your relationship to that area is.
This already happened. They already know OP is interested because OP already inquired directly.
If the coordinates suddenly become public they’re going to know where that came from. And in case anyone is forgotten, this is an organization capable of producing multiple bodybags in a single go.
This is my worry.
Go to the press, make it public. They will only hurt you to silence you, once it’s out there, it’s too late. The press would love this story too
It is not too late. It’s an iterated game. These organizations play a long game.
Don’t listen to that other commentator, go to 4chan, they will have people digging up the bodies in a week.
How many voices saying “yes they will kill you” are necessary to balance against a multitude of voices saying “nah no problem”.
There is nothing of substance to be gained here, and everything to lose.
Perhaps the difference between me and these other people saying there will be no trouble is that I have experienced violence, and I know how far more important the possibility of violence is than a thousand days of peace.
Please don’t be a rash fool. Please do not go looking for trouble in a world that is far more capable of providing trouble than sheltered people think it is.