A little BBC Radio 4 news: You can hear the audio adaptation of my story The Sleeper and the Spindle in the UK on the radio on the 24th and the 26th, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000qm49, and hear me with the BBC Symphony on Friday & Friday Week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000cl2r and https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000cp2b. And after broadcast they will be available anywhere in the world using the websites or the BBC Sounds App.
@neilhimself Hey Neil. I've never read your stuff. What would you recommend would be a good intro?
@aufreemanmusic A book called THE NEIL GAIMAN READER we made for people who don't know where to start.
@neilhimself :) Ok. Cool. I'll check it out. Thanks.
@aufreemanmusic @neilhimself mate, just pick anything, they're all great :)
@neilhimself Thank you so much!
@neilhimself American Gods…I thought, doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. Someone on this site mentioned that he had just finished the audible version so I thought I’d give it a try…I listened while walking and driving…doing laundry and cooking… it’s fantastic Neil. Just thought I’d share that with you, thanks for the ride!
@elensnyder I'm so glad!
@neilhimself thanks for your response! Very kind of you
@neilhimself Wilton AND Christie?!! I may have to crank up the volume to a volcanic roar to hear it properly (moderate hearing loss makes radio broadcasts problematic) but I will do it and be damned.
Wonderful! I know what we're listening to after Christmas festivities!
@neilhimself I was thinking we might have to all get into becoming radio broadcasters again as a back up. Just in case. You never know…. Whatever works!
@neilhimself I feel such joy when this story has every victory!
Editing this was my 2nd favourite thing about Rags & Bones. (Gene’s story holds first place. It was the first story I ever had to say “I have only this one typo. Your story is perfect.”)
But aside from the perfection of his story, yours was the best part of my experience of editing that antho. ;)
@melissamarr I loved making it for you!
@neilhimself And I loved getting to read this (& other things you write) early. It's on my list of "top reasons to be a writer." Also walking in the rain w you, but that's been so very long ago. Perhaps next year, bc right now all the rain seems to be snow shaped...
@neilhimself yes but can I listen to it from _____________?!?
I'll see myself out...
@neilhimself Ah, now it feels like the holiday season has truly begun with the traditional "Neil Gaiman explains how to listen to BBC outside the UK" Thank you and can't wait to listen to it!
@Grimalkin @neilhimself
And because of my general lack of BBC knowledge. It is greatly appreciated. Just signed up.
@neilhimself great to see you here! Check out the (mostly indie) writers at mastodon.scribbler.social.
@neilhimself yes! This is how I know the Holidays have begun. The tradition of Neil Gaiman on the BBC! Look forward to it every year.
Thank you @neilhimself - Now I’m back on the BBC with Giles (himself). Feels good https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001g3fk
@neilhimself I'll be there at that day and at that time.
@neilhimself on the BBC with an orchestra is about to be the accompaniment to Christmas gift wrapping after the kids are asleep! (With a drink!)