This is the best part of Google Maps. It saves time. I know exactly when to visit and avoid any place like a store or cafe. Do you use it?
@nixCraft never know you could do that with google maps, gonna have to try it
@nixCraft sounds useful but also scary
I didn't know this existed, but will be for sure using it going forward!
@nixCraft Once I used it and went to a cafe where it should've been less crowded. In fact, it was crowded af.
@nixCraft I honestly strongly question this graph in a lot of places where I visit. Either it lags like an hour behind or all the people literally walked in seconds before I came to the 'less busy than usual' shopping mall or something.
@nixCraft The chart at best reflects what it is among users who own a device that is running the Android version of Maps (which requires Google services framework). Doesn't work at all where Google devices are the minority.
@nixCraft via home assistant integration. (Looks better on a cast dashboard) not pictured is the gauge cluster at the top showing all of the actually-live results that feed the line graph.
Alt has info.
Related; I dug into hass-populartimes and I don't see a way to get the card you're presenting.
Any tips?
@jmw autoentities, apexcharts and a bunch of millisecond math. The core bit for forecast is:
data_generator: >
const durationHrs = (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) /
1000 / 60 / 60; const data = []; for (let i = 0; i <=
durationHrs; i++) {
var fcast = new Date(start.getTime() + (i * 1000 * 60 * 60));
var dynamicVarName = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { weekday: "long"}).format(fcast).toLowerCase();
var forecast = eval('entity.attributes.popularity_' + dynamicVarName);
data.push([fcast.getTime(), forecast[fcast.getHours()]]);
}; return data;
I might have been drinking or worse when I finally got it working transform: >-
return entity.attributes.popularity_is_live == true ? x
: entity.attributes.populatity_is_live == true ? x : null
@dis thanks for that, I truly appreciate it. I am not quite a super wizard with HA.
@nixCraft I always check that before I go someplace.
@nixCraft best feature
@nixCraft the thing to remember is how this works: Google is simply counting the number of phones in the store. Of course they need your precise location to do that. And of course they are selling that info to anyone with a checkbook. I have an iPhone and only allow precise location to Waze and only when I am actually using it.
@el_oscuro @nixCraft jokes on them. I'm rotating my location to every restaurant, store, gas station every 5 seconds in a 100 mile radius of San Francisco.
I live in Topeka.
@nixCraft absolutely! Saves me time and alot of effort; especially when it comes to avoiding having to deal with quite so many ppl.
@nixCraft 9a? 9p? Are those coordinates?
If there only was such a high number that we could assign each hour to one unique number. For all 24 of them.
@nixCraft how are you doing
@nixCraft not using a google app lmao
@nixCraft Unreliable.
@nixCraft It's generally good for the supermarket. I just wish it could tell me when three or more folk lacking in self awareness will *randomly* bump into each other and block the freezer aisle, while one or more of their husbands looks sheepishly on and has even less success than me in getting their attention or getting them to group lengthways rather than breadthways. I know Google's already collected enough data to make that prediction!
@nixCraft I love this feature. I do have one question about it though, Is there two wheeler parking?