@nixCraft I am in this picture and I don't like it
@nixCraft Wasn't it Matthew who said, "And why beholdest thou the style violation that is in thy brother's code, but considerest not the production bug that is in thine own code?"
@nixCraft is he wearing socks
@nixCraft me irl
@nixCraft Uh, I do believe that's a mysterious and amazing thing known as "Human Nature".
Among other things, Human Nature includes the ability to be totally oblivious to one's own faults, but hyper-sensitive to the faults of others, even if we're guilty of the same thing we're pointing out, which we often are.
And to make my point even more clear, this can be summed up as: "This is your fault, not mine!" It's just the classic blaming behavior that's common to all Homo Sapiens.
@nixCraft Venkat. One of the best in the game.