Who among us has not rebooted the wrong Unix/Linux server or enterprise-grade network equipment?
@nixCraft we've all done that before.
@nixCraft I've rebooted the wrong control system on a vessel. Lights went out. Propellers stopped turning.
i still have hostname in my shell prompt after an early in my career reboot of the wrong server. ;)
@nixCraft rebooting isn't that problematic. Giving a shutdown via SSH for the machine under your desk, when actually shutting down a physical machine in the server room. And then having to call someone to physically enter the server room press the power button to turn it back on.
@schmitzel76 @nixCraft And that’s how IPMI or Wake on LAN are saving your ass sometimes
@nixCraft Clean record on this front so far. Been using Linux full-time since December 2011.
But I know it isn’t skill; just sheer dumb luck.
@nixCraft I once stopped every train within 25 miles of York station for 20 minutes while doing a software upgrade…
@nixCraft I have no idea what you’re talking about
Oh god......
@nixCraft ho boy! Of course.
I just owned up to it. Called the ert, explained what happened. Just a little hiccup on the production line.
Has not happened since.
@nixCraft That's just a right of passage, I thought.
Bonus points if it's a remote firewall /jump server / VPN concentrator that came up in a non functional state, thus locking yourself out in the process.
@nixCraft not only once..
@nixCraft I tried to but molly guard always saved me
I was sliding a server into a colocated rack and my thumbs were perfectly located that I hit the power button of the server in the slot above. It was not our server.
@nixCraft it has gotten a lot harder in modern times, now that you can't just eject the CD tray to verify which server you're working with.
@DaveMWilburn @nixCraft This answer is epic. Thank you.
I accidentally rebooted every Mac on our college campus, not 2 days after finally winning approval and installing a central management tool on them.
@nixCraft I did it a few times, never got caught. But my colleague once killed the whole PROD environment by running a wrong Bolt command. To make things worse, he first put Zabbix in maintenance, so we didn't get any alert until people started complaining.
probably not an admin!
@nixCraft Had the wrong keyboard in my hand and hit ctrl alt del
@nixCraft I installed and configured DNS on the wrong machine. Beat that!