Slackware is a Linux distribution created by Patrick Volkerding in Jul 1993. It is the oldest distro still in existence. However, someone was dissatisfied with Slackware and created another distro a month later, in August 1993. This was Debian, the second oldest distro, founded by Ian Murdock. Both of these distros are still maintained, and Debian is often known as the "mother distro" because it has spawned many more distributions. #Linux #OpenSource #history
Softlanding Linux System (SLS) was the first distro in 1992, but it was buggy. So, it led to the creation of Slackware and Debian. I had never used SLS, so I started with Slackware.
Debra Lynn (gf and later wife) wasn't directly involved in the Debian project itself. She was the inspiration for the name. Debra ("Deb") Lynn + Ian ("Ian" Murdock) == Debian. He combined their names and the rest is the history.
@nixCraft That is oddly wholesome!
@nixCraft Apparently SuSE Linux started as distributors of SLS before building distributions themselves.
@nixCraft I started with Ubuntu a good decade after Linux got started, after having played around with Yellow Dog Linux, and the Gentoo. I was an Apple fanboy back then, but wanted to try Linux on my PowerMac G3.
I got sick of Ubuntu’s corporate bullshit last year and switched to Mint on my home x86_64, and to Aarch64 Debian on my work PC, which is a MacBook M2 foisted upon me by my employer. I could not be more satisfied with the switch. Software updates on Debian are so simple (as in, not downloading too many packages). I like Mint because packages are more recent, but Debian is fantastic.
@nixCraft Deb packages give you more things to maintain...
I'm today years old learning this and I've been using Linux for 25 years.
@nixCraft so is it pronounced “Deb-Ian” or similar to “Deviant”?