You thought paying for your seat was annoying? If Meta's "Pay or Okay" approach is legitimised by the EDPB, paying an extra fee for your privacy will become a standard for other services as well.
@noybeu "privacy for the rich"
@noybeu Let them hide cake
@noybeu this is so great. With this more people will understand why google, meta, Amazon are free and can run rampant with free stuff.
Erinnert mich sofort an das Buch von Jaron Lanier
"Wem gehört die Zukunft?" von 2013.
Datenschutz als Luxusgut.
How would that even work? Pay the lower price with data sharing, fly, then revoke consent under GDPR. What are they going to do? Send a bill for the difference? Take the seat back?
It only - maybe - works for Facebook because that's a continous transaction and because Facebook is in the US, and once the data is out of the EU, we can't force them to delete the data when consent is revoked.
@noybeu @AnneTheWriter1 Excellent point, beautifully made.
@noybeu Somehow it IS already pretty common in almost every aspect of life. Though not THAT explicitly obvious.
In fact, I can't help but appreciate the honesty in that offer. Shares first place with "telematic" car insurance!
Makes a good case for taking the train.
If you made this the plot of an episode of Black Mirror a couple of years ago, viewers wouldn't accept it, because it would be too unrealistic.
@noybeu the sad things is that many people think meta and any big company has right... this kind of people (not so few) are not only selfdestructive but also dangerous... they put normal and free people under the "brand" of NOT ALLIGNED