What a bunch of cowardly, sniveling sycophants
Via Wall St Journal:
"Jeff Bezos' Amazon, like Meta, donating $1 million to Trump's inauguration, as big tech shores up ties with #Trump"
They are so rich that it's totally unnecessary so why are they doing it?
Trying to deregulate a bunch of things...
Pollution and now I see he's trying to deregulate the banks.
i just saw that. That was a Project 2025 priority. To get rid of the FDIC. That's because billionaires plan to tank our financial system with crypto and they don't want people to get their money back. Evil evil fucks and no one is doing anything to stop them in this current administration. When you just leave an information void the MAGAt lunatics fill it. Are they still trying to "lower the temperature"? Failed policy. Horribly failed.
In your mattress. You may need to get your hands on some cash in a hurry.
Definitely! That is, if anyone takes cash in the future. Or will it only be crypto? What happens when the blackouts from data centers exploding because there is no water to cool them? Has anyone thought this madness out?
@lin11c Your local small businesses will accept cash, I'll bet. And no, they haven't thought it out because trump only hires people who are stupider that he is.
And even more psycho. The Muskrat.
@lin11c Birds of a feather...
@damnthefilibuster @SueDiOh
Of course, you are right! What was I thinking?
A friend of mine put hers into gold... These people need to be removed from our society...I truthfully don't see any other way.
@timo21 time to rewatch It's A Wonderful Life.
@damnthefilibuster @Nazani @timo21 @palin
I used to be at HSBC and it was great when traveling in Europe. After the money laundering crap I got rid of it. But now they all are going to be money laundering banks so I guess it doesn't matter.
@Nazani Any advice on how to find European banks that have US branches? (I'm hoping I can find one I can get to in person, but my city might not be big enough.)
You can look for US offices of these- scroll down. For everyday finances we are probably stuck with local banks.
"International" banks are also listed. I would ask reps directly how they would safeguard your money in the event the FDIC was abolished.
@timo21 @lin11c @palin Trump's experts in #StupidEconomics are already now very close to producing bank runs, before these morons have even taken office. SMH.