Been reading Forever My Girl by Heidi McLauchlin but giving up and deleting it because the MMC can't have a single thought about a woman that isn't misogynistic as hell. They all want him, they're all trying too hard, they all make him sick. He makes me sick.
I’ve only ever read romance books that have vibes like this, sometimes to the point it feels rapey asf
@BigFatNips @willaful I write romance books that are nothing like this, partly because the main pair are gay.
But Nettie calls them on it several times. "He left me alone with a complete weirdo." "I'm not wearing a bathing suit in front of you!" "You didn't put anything weird in this [food], did you?"
She has her reasons for being suspicious just like her uncles have reasons for trusting one another.
@BigFatNips @willaful Probably the strongest character in all the books is Lee (Leandra): she has no interest in men and the MC has no interest in her, but they are exceptionally close because she's been his handler for over a decade. Both their partners have had doubts over this.
"Do you think it would be more believable if we f*ed and THEN denied it?"
"Trust you to come up with something that convoluted and stupid."