Don’t use proton…
You can’t just give all of your data to one company and expect it to be private
Is your suggestion to self host your email or not use email? I’m not sure why you couldn’t find a company that you do trust, and proton seems to be one of the most likely candidates.
@volleyballcrocodile @possiblylinux127 What about Disroot ?
Disroot uses proprietary JavaScript so I won’t consider it an option. I use posteo but I’m actually considering self hosting.
The problem is that I probably would end up renting a VPS which would be much more expensive for little gain.
In all reality email is pretty unprivate by design. Its better to focus on encrypted messaging.
@possiblylinux127 okay. But self hosting Posteo on a VPS ! The VPS company can still see your mails if it's imap and maybe give them to the government as well.
Posteo is a company in Germany who sells email for very cheap.