What will enter the #publicdomain in 2025? Each day through December we’ll open a window in our advent-style calendar to reveal our highlights! https://publicdomainreview.org/features/entering-the-public-domain/2025/
(+ for the impatient/curious we've links to lists of new entrants.)
@publicdomainrev can a bitch please get an image description?
@nev @publicdomainrev Screenshot of the "advent calendar".
Small square images arranged in a 6 by 4 grid. Each image shows a small detail of a portrait photo or work of art, e.g. lower half of a face, hands, etc.
@publicdomainrev I'm mostly interested in "classical" music scores. I'm looking for works that are public domain world-wide. Is there a list of such works somewhere? Geshwin and Sibelius are high on my list, but since Sibelius lived until 1957 I don't have much hope,