I would like to add to this, I expect the jargon and equations to fly far overhead most of the general public. So I will try to sum the entire process here:
My initial idea was that the horizon of our universe was “leaking” energy from its horizon, just as a black hole does. If this was true then according to e=mc^2 the universes mass should decrease over time.
I had earlier made the connection that dark matter and energy maybe a geometric phenomena and wrote a thought experiment outlining the idea. If we take two observers and keep them stationary in space, then in some fantastic way shrink them both at the same rate at the same time without the observers knowing, the view of the observers would be that they are moving away from each other as they stay relatively the same size to each other and the distance increases according to their mass and thereby volume decreasing.
These two basic ideas together seemed to say that as the universe losses energy from its horizon like a black hole, the atoms and point masses inside all lose a tiny amount of mass, and thereby each point’s volume decreases a tiny amount. This causes distance to increase ever so slightly between the particles. This entire effect over every particle in the universe together gives us the expanding of distance we call dark energy. This same effect when taken with relativity and the laws of motion produce a dark matter signal as well.
Lastly gravity was already known to probably be quantum in nature, so digging on further revealed this interesting, if somewhat novel view of the universe and everything in it.
I have some of my previous papers hosted on researchub, this link leads to a post with further information about the initial research that lead to this paper, I continue to use researchhub for further work.
I hope this additional information has helped you in some way to understand this idea I call special gravity. Cheers!
@foolsh_one Interesting! Does that mean the universe will eventually disappear ?
The effect is so small and decays exponentially getting smaller and smaller each step so it never really reaches zero, the eventual heat death of the universe will happen way before this effect has time to do its thing.