I find it despicable, how the idiots of our time destroy art to get attention.
Yesterday at Trinity College, Cambridge, an idiot destroyed the historic painting of Lord Balfour from 1914, claiming that this would somehow help Gaza.
No cause entitles anyone to destroy the artworks which educate future generations about our past.
@randahl it's an interesting challenge to human consciousness: do we value a painting over the lives of 10s of thousands of people? The painting is ripped and we've lost a pompous example of human folly from the past; 30,000 people die and their unique perspectives are lost. We don't seem to care about the latter, why is the former so important? Do we value the wrong things?
@BetsyBeeee We should value human life immensely, but this is just not helpful.
@randahl it depends on the value of art and what we think it brings to humanity. The purpose of the original painting was to venerate a powerful man. It could be argued that what this protestor has done is itself art. It's been filmed. We're talking about it. The purpose is to draw attention to the history of a current conflict. It's worked. The old painting might have sat there forever collecting dust. The vandalised painting has a new meaning relevant today.