@krille @phoenix_r_d Yes, neither the matrix protocol nor XMPP protect metadata well enough unfortunately.
@raphaelrobert you picked my interest, I will keep an eye on this.
Hi @delta
I wanted to be sure you are aware there are now multiple project to implement MLS in Rust. @raphaelrobert is working on OpenMLS at @phoenix_r_d. It's being adopted to implement DM in #nostr by @1739d937dc8c0c7370aa27585938c119e25c41f6c441a5d34c6d38503e3136ef
@lutindiscret @raphaelrobert @phoenix_r_d @1739d937dc8c0c7370aa27585938c119e25c41f6c441a5d34c6d38503e3136ef thanks for the pointer, and looking forward to see what comes out of the OpenMLS rust developments. We presume however it's not yet easy to use it in decentralized settings where group-membership is not strictly ordered. Or did that restriction change?