Jet lagged beyond reason, when I close my eyes and think about the future, I see clean sky scraping Blade Runner buildings topping over—not violently, they slowly just bend over under their own weight and silently fall. Trillion dollar super technology giants lethargically stranding, like the abandoned Star Destroyer, but still new and many of them with different shapes into and on top of each other. Hi tech is volatile, banks stand on long skinny legs, the economy is a house of cards.
The next picture was a remix of the lady in the dust of 9/11, but the dust was red, like in the pictures from the fires in California and Blade Runner 2048.
This orange smoggy future has, literally and metaphorically become much more plausible since last week. Now, there is nothing we can do about the United States running a presidential election like American Idol and its population choosing the head of state asif it were a reality show. But we certainly can't let it happen, that this fucker sets the world on fire and paints the blue planet with his favorite spray tan tone. We will simply not let that happen.
What can we do? If Trump wants to give more tax breaks to Elon and Jef Bozo there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. If he shuts down education, health and social institutionale and deports immigrants... it's entirely his country now. If he indeed starts a rent seeking global tariff war, he won't be the only one, the global trade zone excludes the US. Americans won't buy from the rest and the rest of the world won't buy from America. Mercantilism never worked and won't work in 2025.
It's one thing to win American Idol twice with an audience that cannot discern reality from what they see on TV, YouTube and the Joe Rogan Show. Being the head of the economically and militarily most powerful state on the planet is an entirely different matter. We have seen how tragically he fails when he meets reality. We have seen it in all his endeavors and we have seen it every single day in his first turn.
The end of a tariff war used to be physical war. He's a sociopath and capable of anything. The collapse of the global trade zone, whether America isolates itself or we're catapulted back where every major player has their own trade zone remains to be seen. But that in this scenario we see the economy tanking, big tech toppling over and banks collapsing is another very plausible scenario. They all had it coming before an inmate took over the asylum.
@reichenstein yes, funny that as a society, it seems we will still see the banking system as very valuable, too big to fail, even if it collapses. The Star Destroyer still will be seen as flight worthy, even if it is derelict.
@reichenstein One big tanning-spray covered wrecking ball made from hate, lies, fraud, and corruption. I think the destruction is partially why people voted for him and ignored the parts they disliked.
Many people are fed up with the bad parts of the status quo, and don't care about the consequences of Trump—or don't believe they'll be as bad as predicted.
I see a chance to rebuild a better economy from the wreckage, but the consequences for climate change frighten me and I have no hope there.
@reichenstein I truly hoped my country would wise the fuck up but alas. I am so sorry.