In our local news ISIS has claimed responsiblity for the attack. Who knows what really happened, but it’s a bit of a stretch, even for Russian news, to blame Ukraine for that as media globally has this information. Not that it will stop them from at least trying to blame Ukraine, but this kind of freamongering and speculation is a bit too soon to happen.
It might be ISIS, it might be Russians themselves, it might be Ukraine or their associates, who knows. The fact is that the terrorist strike happened, but bluntly stating that it was Putin himself only a hour or two after the news was published doesn’t help anyone. What matters is reaction to this in upcoming few days. Before that it’s better to just follow how the whole thing goes instead of blatantly accusing anyone without any proof.
My heart goes out to all the victims of this horrible attack.
What is so important to bear in mind here: Russia’s government has “increased security” over all these years because of “foreign threats” and similar excuses. It is now painfully obvious that nothing got safer, maybe even on the contrary, and in the name of security, basic rights have been stripped away from people one by one. While the “national security” is busy searching social media for color coded messages that read against the war between the lines.
@volvoxvsmarla @IsoKiero my heart goes out to the inumerable number of victims of Russia's horrible attacks in Ukraine. And in Syria....
Don't forget russian citizens support these atrocities.
Statistically speaking, it can’t be all Russian citizens. Overgeneralizations aren’t great.
Adding to that, statistically speaking, not all Russians support Putin, and the span between great support and great resistance is very wide. Saying that all Russian citizens support Putin’s atrocities is as wrong as saying all Russians are against the war.
Exactly, this Roger guy is trying to stoke the hate. It’s lame.
You know that you can feel sympathy for more than one group of victims, right?
@volvoxvsmarla to be honest, I have a very hard time feeling pity for russians.
Well, must be a comfortable life being a colorblind racist