The thing to keep in mind is that once you become an advertising-based business, serving your advertisers becomes your highest priority as a business.
@scribandotcom The #enshittification pipeline continues apace.
@drahardja @scribandotcom Can a product be enshittified if it was crap to begin with?
@Mabande @scribandotcom I do think there are things you can do with generative models that are useful and fun, especially if energy usage go down in the future. It’s just that there are so many things you can also do with it that are awful.
@Mabande @drahardja @scribandotcom Never underestimate the ingenuity of greedy people.
@scribandotcom See also: the new #Firefox plans.
@scribandotcom @pluralistic Which is why I'm wary of joining Bluesky. It will happen.