Byeeeee stackoverflow
Pre-empting this post with some facts as it’s gaining traction: one, when you submit content to SO, it becomes Creative Commons licensed. That’s what I agree to by posting there, so this isn’t really their fault or wrong per se. It’s frustrating to have your content used in a way you didn’t want originally or desire now, and there should be a way to remove content; but my ignorance of the rules here isn’t some moral wrong. I still think we should have a choice about whether what we contribute to the great AI digestion machine, and if nothing else more and more of us are now feeling what artists felt when the same thing happened to them.
This is what you get when you try to delete your content from #StackOverflow: they treat you like a criminal defacing their site, rather than as a human being with privacy rights.
Will be saving this conversation and sharing publicly. Your move, Stack Overflow…
Follow up: it is not within my rights to remove my content, apparently. Upon submitting it conveniently becomes Creative Commons licensed. Huh.
@trisweb so if all that material is CC licensed does that mean it would at least be legal to scrape the site and create an open source fork?
@mrcompletely @trisweb this. There exist non-commercial sites that have more or less duplicated the functionality of SO, but suffer from a lack of content and audience. They have discussed mass import of questions in the past, but (rightly) judged it to be a big job, given their meagre resources.