12 images incoming.
All of this should sound eerily familiar if you have followed the news in America in recent years.
Republicans followed the script like a game plan. They knew exactly what they were doing, and America went along with it.
The Germans had no historical precedent to inform them, Americans did. Ergo, Americans did this to ourselves deliberately.
@tofugolem those numbers!! Always
It's true. We the People, of the United States of America, have just fucked up like never before.
Yes I am bitter. The lesson of history was RIGHT THERE, and a majority of my fellow Americans chose to say "YES" to that.
Heartbreaking and disgusting.
@cturnbow @tofugolem true we have the knowledge. but nevertheless an extreme right party probably will become the second strongest in the next Bundestag.
@muselmaniac @cturnbow @tofugolem The problem never was the Knowledge. We have been teached to look at people and understand the „signs“. And we all have seen signs, but we could not prevent it.
According to scientists (i.e. Hannah Arendt), we know today: It wasn‘t the people. Ist is the structure (in a mathematical sense).
And this is what we did not learn. We have overseen the structure, which has been built by Big Oil to get the Nazis back.
While the media bears some responsibility for not warning the American people what they were voting for, there is no excuse for ignorance about recent history.
The Nazis sent people to America to learn how our wealthy people use racism to control white people.
The Nazis were an imitation. We were the original, at least in my opinion.
Well, I understand your argument; I have not the knowledge necessary to have a firm opinion on it
Ever wonder why it took us so long to join WW2?
Because we had the "America first" crowd that wanted us to stay out of the war, although what they really wanted was to join on the side of the Axis.
Speaking of which, we spent some of that time fighting off two separate pro-Axis coup attempts, for which ZERO people went to prison.
Check out Rachel Maddow's limited "Ultra" podcast for details on one of those.
That much, I knew
@cturnbow @tofugolem Today Elon Musk was speaking at the german Faschist Party AfD.
I hope so much, that in am Month from now the german population votes wisely.
It's even worse than that though. There WERE massive problems in Germany in 1932. 24% unemployment, hyper inflation and then deflation. German loss of territory from WW1, reparations etc. There was a REAL threat from Russia and communism while Germans were required to sit unarmed. There were NO massive problems in the US in 2024 and yet we voted for this anyway.
There are massive problems, but those problems are entirely self-inflicted. Anywhere from 40k to 100k of us die every year from lack of healthcare, and many of them have health insurance. Half a million of us go bankrupt every year from health costs.
And that's not even counting the healthcare crisis.
We are rapidly becoming a third world country, and we just have the people responsible absolute power.
I agree the lack of universal healthcare is a massive problem. It's always been like that in the US though and it was even worse before the ACA passed. Trump and Republicans have been running on making that problem worse for 15 years now, and they have won more elections than they lost during that time.
America is the wealthiest nation in the history of ever, and we have a growing number of homeless people with full-time jobs.
I'm pretty sure the wealth gap is greater than what France had just before their revolution.
Homelessness has been a big problem for 40 years, since the Reagan era. Still doesn't compare to 24% unemployment. Weimar Germany people had to have wheelbarrows full of money to buy a loaf of bread.
Every homeless person is evidence of capitalism failing at the most basic possible function of an economic system.
@tofugolem I agree but the unemployment rate in the US is the lowest for the longest time in history. 4%. Weimar Germany it was 24% see the difference. Things were much much worse in Germany 1932 than US 2024.
Unemployment may be lower, but if people are still dying in large numbers and living on the streets, what is that job really worth?
Did you see the explosion of anger after that health insurance CEO was killed? People are desperate.
@tofugolem yeah but the kid who did it came from an extremely wealthy Republican family. He wasn't from the bottom 90%. I don't know why Republicans keep trying to kill each other. Luigi killed the probably Republican CEO. Two other Republicans tried to kill Trump.
So Americans are not angry about our healthcare system because the guy who shot the health insurance CEO was from a wealthy family?
The explosion of anger in response to that event shows how fucked up our healthcare system is. Everyone had horror stories about their own experiences, or the death of a loved one.
The fact that Luigi was from a wealthy family doesn't change any of that.
@tofugolem you used him as an example. He is as far away from economically oppressed as you can get. Republican on Republican violence is what I saw. When the peasants start killing CEOs I'll agree with your point.
Ah, OK.
Got it.
So the American healthcare system is not oppressive, and Americans are not angry about it, because Luigi is from a wealthy family.
Got it.
That is perfectly valid logic. How could I not see this before?
@tofugolem I never said people weren't angry about their Health insurance. I said using the wealthy scion from one of the wealthiest families in the country who never lacked for anything as proof of peoples anger is silly. When the economically oppressed start acting like Luigi you will have a point. Logic isn't your strong suit is it?
Except that isn't what I was doing. No one ever did that. You're just looking for an excuse to defend the indefensible, so you're construction state men to attach.
My comment wasn't to claim that Luigi isn't oppressed (my comment was about the reaction people had to the event), but even if I did, he was. Despite his wealth, he still got fucked over by our healthcare system, so your excuse fails on multiple levels.
But thanks for letting us all know that you want to excuse it.
@tofugolem You were trying to equate the problems in The US 2025, with the problems of Germany 1932 because of the politicians who came to power. The US 2025 is utopia, a literal land of milk and honey, compared to Germany 1932. If you think modern America has problems equivalent to Weimar Germany you need to open a history book. I'm not saying there are no problems here and all of the actual problems are about to get a lot worse.
Yes, and my point was about the rage people felt in response to those events, not about Luigi himself, but even if I intended that, your excuse still fails because despite his wealth, he was screwed over by the healthcare system.
So your excuse fails at every possible level, but you did let us know that you want to excuse a healthcare system that mass murders Americans.
I do think the health care system has problems. It's better than it used to be. After being uninsured most of my adult life I personally got insurance because of the ACA. Is it perfect? I wouldn't say that it's always a hassle to sign up. I've personally never had any issues with access or treatments or costs. I don't think I'm unique or have any kind of special access. I've got the cheapest insurance available. Lots of states run by Republicans don't let people access it.
@jerrydgj @tofugolem Have you ever thought about how oppressed folks might not be able to do so because they lack the privileges (whether financial, ability to obtain/possess weaponry, or even just be in proximity) to do so? When you're working a full time job (or more than one) or otherwise consumed with just trying to stay housed and fed, you don't get much time to plan an assassination.
If you're oppressed or unemployed, it isn't the easiest thing to buy a weapon or have access to a 3d printer to make one in Luigi's case. Being able to track and shadow a corporate figure is probably going to take time, money and possibly social connections.
There are plenty of people who are mad enough to kill to send a message, they're just effectively gated away to the point where a rich kid had a better chance.
@astraleureka @tofugolem
Ok. I saw a rich Republican killing another rich Republican. You see oppressed people angry about the system. Your vision is a little out of focus.
@jerrydgj @astraleureka
You are making excuses for 40k to 100k PREVENTABLE deaths every year, and I'm the one whose vision is out of focus?
Again, what happened to your humanity?
Do you work in the health insurance industry? Are you wealthy? Are you part of the Dem establishment? Or are you just brainwashed and incapable of basic human empathy?
@tofugolem @BernieDoesIt @jerrydgj And you would be right.
@josh @BernieDoesIt @jerrydgj
French peasants living under an essentially feudalist system had a greater sense of self-worth than modern Americans.
Luigi should have been a wakeup call.
Hell, the growing homeless problem back in the 80s should have been a wakeup call. I don't know what it takes to convince Americans that something is wrong.
@tofugolem @BernieDoesIt @jerrydgj It takes Donald Trump. But it’s the wrong Americans and they think plenty of things are wrong that actually don’t matter. :/
Revolution feels like an inevitability. "When" is mostly determined by how deeply the people have been cajoled into comfort and complacency by the media.
@TheEffekt @jerrydgj
I'm afraid it is going to take a long time for a lot of Americans to admit anything is wrong, even after grocery prices start to skyrocket and multiple industries shut down.
I am worried about that as well. The damage runs deep. By the time words turn into actions it may be too late.
@TheEffekt @tofugolem @jerrydgj
It's bizarre to me how many liberals go around screeching about the next Republican president possibly becoming the next Hitler, and yet... they seem incapable of comprehending the threat, much less the idea of DOING anything about it.
@violetmadder @TheEffekt @jerrydgj
I think of the Democrats as the Washington Generals, who are paid to pretend to be the opposition team for the Harlem Globetrotters.
@tofugolem @violetmadder @jerrydgj
The political system in its entirety no longer deserves to exist.
@violetmadder @tofugolem @jerrydgj
It does seem that way. I would compare it to a town in California, the next town over from one devastated by the fires. The residents saying "it's all good, the fire didn't get us".
@TheEffekt @violetmadder @jerrydgj
You have to remember that both parties get money from the same donors.
Together, they make a ratchet system: the Republicans make things worse, and the Dems prevent anything from getting better.
The people, meanwhile, have no one we can vote for to serve the interests of the voters instead of the donors.
@tofugolem @violetmadder @jerrydgj
Yes, very well aware of that. If they were any different... any different at all we would not be seeing this breakneck cultural decline.
2 sides, same coin and all that.
@tofugolem @TheEffekt @violetmadder @jerrydgj Good Corp, Bad Corp
@stevefelten @tofugolem @violetmadder @jerrydgj
Nice! Yes, that...
Something that we have spent way too much time on is trying to determine if we have crossed a 'bad enough threshold' to react in all the ways we have seen.
There is something about trying to walk this line of 'there are problems, but they're not so bad to turn into this' is seemingly contradicted by a lack of faith/belief/hope in a future, and shit turning into this, by consensus observations across partisan stripes.
Where does the information of him getting rich come from? Technically everyone in Weimar was a Billionaire. Money may have found him but he never cared about money. He was a true Zealot, whereas DJT is in for ego, money and power.
@elpolacodesplegado there was a whole documentary about his tax papers on German TV some years ago. This is a short version of it. (surely it‘s possible to activate English subtitles somehow? )
(They talk about millions not billions though.)
@elpolacodesplegado @tofugolem
I never thought he cared much about money either. I didn't say he did.