"I would rather be organizing under the conditions of Biden as an opponent on an issue than Trump..."
Ah, the liberal mind, that contemplates organizing as a steady state, where only the conditions change, and organizing does not change in relation to those conditions.
All those masses of folk who were protesting for Black Lives and against kids in cages and for women and for science just kept on doing so when 2021 rolled around, did they?
Essentially, AOC would rather less organizing.
@beadsland This is a really dumb thing to say. Apparently you were not listening.
Apparently, you are not reading.
Or perhaps you missed that this is part of a thread?
Anyway, please take your intellectual ableism to someone else's mentions.
@beadsland I don't understand. You commented on AOC preferring Biden over Trump and called her lazy. Perhaps I should have used "non sequitur" instead of dumb, but I don't understand how you can think what you say.
If you took "lazy" away from what is written here, then yes, you are not reading.
What about "contemplates organizing as a steady state, where only the conditions change, and organizing does not change in relation to those conditions" translates to "lazy"?
You know what? I don't care.
"I don't understand how you can think what you say" is signal that you don't want to understand—you want to call out my thinking as unacceptable.
You've been asked to go elsewhere. Will not ask again.
@beadsland I have not said anything about "unacceptable". And I still do not understand how you connect her worry about Trump's authoritarianism to "steady state".
Also, I don't understand why you are so hostile. This is a discussion platform, discuss. I'm not coming to your house.