Solar System bodies to scale.
Animation by @Physicsj
@wonderofscience @Physicsj wow this is cool, *don't make a Uranus so phat joke... Don't do it*. I mean cool planets all of em... *Bites index finger so hard ur anus is pretty big
@wonderofscience nice video. Wonder what caused Saturn to tilt so much?
@aglisson @wonderofscience @Physicsj there is one of these near me
My favourite thing about it is that in distant parts of the word it includes some of the nearest stars.
@aglisson @wonderofscience @Physicsj
A few years ago, I did an outreach course in Oxford on the Solar System. We made the solar system in the corridor to scale, staring with a 1 cm marble for the Sun ( and grains of pepper, seeds etc for the planets, roughly to scale). The Earth was a grain of salt, 1 m from the Sun. Pluto was 30 m away (it was a long corridor). Students then worked out the nearest star would be somewhere around the Lake District... Some melted brains that day!
@Henrysbridge @wonderofscience @Physicsj That's really cool!
Space is a big place!
@wonderofscience @Physicsj
This video / animation exists still longer, to show the sizes of different suns. Perhaps someone knows it and has a link?
@wonderofscience @Physicsj @pootriarch wow, Uranus is huge!
@Rodelinda @wonderofscience @Physicsj @pootriarch Right? I had no idea Uranus was so big.
@wonderofscience @Physicsj I love these graphics! Cool!
@wonderofscience wow, I never thought that the Earth was this close to Venus @Physicsj
Isn't it crazy how fast Jupiter rotates, despite being such a beast of a planet?
@wonderofscience @Physicsj Jupiter needs to chill
@wonderofscience @Physicsj
Okay, I admit that I wasn't aware of huge Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn are
@wonderofscience @Physicsj It’s pretty frightening to think that we are just a sun fart away from total oblivion. We’ve been extremely lucky.
@wonderofscience @Physicsj See also "If the Moon were only one pixel, a tediously accurate model of the solar system" by Josh Worth
This is really cool! Demonstrating the rotation too adds an extra layer of context - seeing Jupiter spinning compared to Earth really shows off how fast it rotates.
@wonderofscience @Physicsj Wow, great animation, thank you!