Dragonfly liftoff captured at 5000 frames per second.
Video credit: Joris Schaap / CC BY 3.0
@bugs #photography #nature
@wonderofscience @bugs woah, the two pairs of wings move independently of each other??? #mindBlown
@wonderofscience @bugs That is so cool!
@wonderofscience fascinating
How do these cameras work to get such insane framerates?
@wonderofscience @bugs This is somehow exactly what I needed rn. Thanks!
@wonderofscience @bugs wow, dragonflies are beautiful
@KarenDorman @wonderofscience @bugs #Alt4You
A slow-motion video of a dragonfly taking off from the end of a green stick or branch. All four wings initially push downward at once to lift off of the branch. After liftoff, the front pair and back pair alternate, the front wings flapping downward as the back wings go upward and vice versa. The front edges of all four wings are rigid, but the surfaces of the wings flex and deflect as they move through the air.
@wonderofscience @bugs almost as old as sharks, and one of the first living things to evolve powered flight. Dragonflies are awesome
@wonderofscience @bugs That is truly amazing
@wonderofscience @bugs