The incredible view during a spacewalk.
Credit: NASA Johnson
This GoPro footage of Earth and the International Space Station was captured by NASA astronaut Drew Morgan and ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano during a 6 hour spacewalk to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on Saturday, January 25, 2020.
قرأت مرة أن رائد فضاء قال انه لا يخاف المرتفعات بل الجاذبية. بقدر ما يبدو المنظر رائعًا الا انه مخيف!
@wonderofscience I bet they freak out around corners out there! I'd love to do a spacewalk, or just experience weightlessness in general. Unfortunately, the bit of my brain that tells me I'll fall to my death if I get more than two feet off the ground would probably still kick in and ruin it for me.
@wonderofscience the one moment in time where you cannot possibly lose your sh!t