"#US reports first human death related to #birdflu
A person in #Louisiana who became severely ill with a bird flu virus known as #H5N1 in December has passed away from the infection, marking the first known bird flu death in the #USA"
Huh. Maybe the US should not permit chicken shit to be incorporated into livestock feed? Just a thought.
That's bad but try this on for size:
We have #MAGA morons guzzling #rawmilk, where the possibility of it being infected with #H5N1 is *sought after as a positive feature*
To own the libs
We're completely fucked
"Mark McAfee, founder of Fresno’s Raw Farm and the Raw Milk Institute, said his phone has been ringing off the hook with 'customers asking for H5N1 milk because they want immunity from it.'"
@meltedcheese @chessert @benroyce The risk is that these idiots will help H5N1 adapt to humans and start human-to-human transmission.
@xenotar @meltedcheese @chessert
i know that
you know that
the #MAGA death #cult doesn't know, doesn't care
they seek behaviors which accelerate #H5N1 #birdflu adaptation, and will murder thousands or millions with their #ignorance, and then their #socialmedia overlords will tell them it's the #democrats fault
i used to be upset about this phenomenon with #covid
i can't do it anymore
i still realize what it means, and it still fills me with dread
but i've given up. we're doomed