@remi 43 year old here. I started programming as a hobby at around 10 years of age and professionally since I was 20. I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking for, so I’ll just jump in head first.
Throughout my career, concrete skills, tools and languages have come and gone, but social and abstract knowledge has stuck and stands out as the most important and permanent learning experiences.
Learning i.e. functional programming and event sourcing is relevant regardless of which language you use.
The more paradigms and patterns you know, the better you’ll be at expressing yourself in your language of choice. Learn as many languages as possible. Don’t grow too comfortable; challenge yourself regularly.
Learning how to cooperate and contribute positively to a larger team is invaluable.
Being simultaneously humble and self confident enough to show vulnerability are important qualities that will make you a better learner, teacher, colleague and human being.
@bitbear @remi What he said, but the starting age .
with all points + experiencing FP and ES.
The last tech conf I went to was in 2018 (Scala Days), and the single thing I learned was that going to a conference to learn things you can learn during online training or reading the documentation is a waste of time. Meeting and exchanging with people is the most important part - and it only works if you are simultaneously humble and self-confident enough (thanks @bitbear for giving me the words )
@bitbear @remi Some other points of mine: teams FTW. People having a common mission working together is extremely fulfilling and joy. Doing anything "by the book" is stupid. Books give us all the ideas and patterns we need to know but we need to decide alone how and when to use them. Devs are not needed to program but to solve problems. We don't spend enough time to understand those problems and have hard times to think around the corner. We are responsible for what we build.