@dorothyporker@mstdn.social @Curator I had two big moves this year (two! so much adjustment!) and I think a big thing I've struggled with is being forgiving of the fact that a lot of Life Stuff was going on and it really hampered my ability to keep up with work, and that is actually okay and not me being a loser
@AbandonedAmerica @dorothyporker Yeah, life admin sucks the creative juice out of you, not to mention time. But yeah, everyone's the same, and yes it is Actually Okay :D :D
@Curator @dorothyporker@mstdn.social I still don't really feel like we've got out of Crisis Mode and I hate that. But I guess that's kind of the world we live in now too. Just Crisis Mode 24/7 with no reprieve. Been thinking a lot about emotional detox, the importance of community, and lifestyle/thought pattern changes lately because of it. I feel like coming here was a step. I really do.