So, look. I get it. Someone just posted a note talking about their interest in a topic, and you want to reply with advice, even though you're pretty sure it's unwanted and unwelcome. But you have such good advice to share in such a clever way! It's excruciating to restrain yourself from replying. What to do?
@evan I am never going to understand this desire for people to not be social on a social media app.
@Archnemysis for me, I find it irritating to ask a specific question and get back a lot of non sequiturs, jokes, or topic changes. Sometimes I'd like to talk about things I find interesting with people who are as knowledgeable and engaged as I am.
@Archnemysis there's also the problem of over-familiarity that comes from the parasocial relationship. People will make what would seem to be playful teasing if they came from friends or family but come off as hostile from strangers.