Notchmeisterers: It's been awhile but there is a new version of Notchmeister in TestFlight with:
• New Expando effect
• Added support for M2 in Notchmeister Control Panel (NCP)
• Fixed Notchmeister Control Panel (NCP) peeking below notch
• Fixed an issue with stray windows after a screen configuration change
• Twitter eradication :middle_finger:
Possibly related: this new MacBook Air is freakin' awesome.
@chockenberry @gedeonm From the bottom of my heart, can you add fuzzy dice to it?
@BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Paging @jamesthomson - is it possible to put a SpriteKit scene in a CALayer?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I don't _think_ so, but you could put an SKView or SCNView in a transparent window, and it would work.
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Know anywhere I could get some dice models?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I do indeed. I mean, genuinely would be happy to share, just tell me what you need :)
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @gedeonm I’m bursting at the possibility of a James Thomson Dice + Notchmeister collab
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @chockenberry @gedeonm This is the whimsical public collaboration I’ve been missing on macOS. Bonus points for color choices (die and pips for each) and the ability to fidget with them.
@macgnys @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm To keep this from spinning completely out of control, I'm limiting the color choices in the app to the purple/blue/black used in the M-series marketing materials. Except for that damn Cylon.
@chockenberry @macgnys @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Send me a spec, I'll send you some .usdz files!
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @macgnys @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm me over here observing
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Do you want an airplane, too?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm This is how it starts, then it’s all About screens and trendy 3D junk.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Wasn't it Eudora which had the "waste cycles drawing trendy 3D junk" option?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm
It's Europe, so it's ‘Aeroplane'
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm Airplane... little air freshener... all good.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm What are the chances that these die will cause some form of skin cancer?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Do not put two close together!
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm DUNNO A ROLL O THE DICE?
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm maybe add a disclaimer before people select it.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Feels like we're getting close…
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Going to call it “Fusion Dice” and then wait for a call from James’ lawyer.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Different models for light vs dark mode??
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm My lawyer only sends faxes.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm A fax is technically still a call, right? Or was. How do faxes even work these days!?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson These dice must be 20 feet in diameter. They’re sooooooo slooooooow.
@gedeonm @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy The models I sent over were 1m in diameter in fact! The SceneKit engine doesn’t really like tiny physics objects. But you can tweak the physics speed to overcome that.
@jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy Slow is also better for development so you can see what’s happening.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy This is interesting. Enjoying the progress updates Curious if you can get fur shader working :)
@_ChrisHarris @jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy You have to ask yourself this question: would Apple ever do fur?
@chockenberry @_ChrisHarris @jamesthomson @gedeonm prescient suggests they would.
Exhibit A:
@jamesthomson Mamy years ago, I was
building models Strata 3D that turned out to be too small. A Boolean operation failed due to the tiny size, and created what Strata called “An Insane Body”
@jeffcgd May we all be blessed with such a thing :)
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Fusion Dice are going to need a way to recharge…
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Oh dear, what have I done to you?!
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Wait until you see the About box.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I await this awesomeness with bated breath.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I'm over here making popcorn while I wait for the next chapter.
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Can't wait to check this in with a commit message of “Improved the angle of dangle”.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Next up, the dimension of suspension.
@jdubuc @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm A cylinder with a 0.025 m radius and 0.15 m length. Just don’t ask me what the scaling of the world coordinates are
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm “It’s not the size that counts, it’s the coordinate space!”
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm shut it all down, we're done here: there won't be a better PR title than this.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson Do Macs still come with an accelerometer?
@scottobara @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson Yes and no. The hardware is there but it’s not supported by CoreMotion framework.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm I still can't deal with this becoming reality.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm You have done well, my new apprentice.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm one of the most highly-anticipated threads on mastodon.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Colors still need work (and I’m not going to tweak them until they're hanging underneath the notch). But the physics and animations are how I envisioned them.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm that’s awesome! How will be used? As a widget ?
@chockenberry cool! I don’t have a Macbook though… now you gonna make me buy one! Lol
@albertkinng It works on a Mac without a notch, too.
@chockenberry Where can I get the dice? I have the beta and the normal app and dice aren’t on any of them!
@albertkinng Not released yet.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm In a sense are these “dice by PCalc”?