If you’re paying for linkedin premium you need to take a good hard look at your life choices
@Daojoan everyone to note!
@Melissabeartrix @Daojoan How bad are they? I do have a linkedin profile but haven't updated it yet.
@Daojoan But people who buy LinkedIn Premium get 1,000,000% more engagement from their posts! Engagement!!!!1111eleventyone
@Daojoan I paid for Premium after getting laid off - it's actually useful for job hunters, as much as I hate to say it.
Though that was early 2023 - things may have changed since then.
@Daojoan "linkedin premium" -- oxymoron of the day
@Daojoan I think that was the first thing I turned off once I retired. The keep sending me E-Mail .. eventually I'll either unsub or just let GMail mark those things as read. (Yes, some of those messages are "Please turn us back on!" even though I have 'retired' in my description.)