If you have to commit genocide to win an election, fuck you, fuck your election, fuck your presidency, fuck your so-called democracy, and, quite frankly, fuck your whole damn country.
@aral Kamala? she committed to ending the Gaza bombing in the speech.
And she committed to releasing hostages.
@RnDanger @aral you're wrong @FelisCatus
It's more complicated than we know.
@Deixis9 @RnDanger @aral Not sending 20 billions of arms to a genocide state is not complicated.
You know who else was "democratically elected"? FW de Klerk, and all his predecessors, were.
Did that prevent you from supporting boycott of apartheid South Africa? Did you also think that the situation was "complicated" back then?
@Deixis9 @RnDanger @aral @FelisCatus
It's not complicated my friend.
What's complicated about :
* genocide and apartheid (ICJ, Amnesty, HRW)
* ethnic cleansing
* environmental vandalism
* targeting children, journalists and using human shields
* .. provably lying about it
* violating decades of UN resolutions
* bombing and assassination in other's territory
* $$billions and US weapons to Israel
* near total destruction of Palestinian territory (see map)
@rzeta0 @RnDanger @aral @FelisCatus That is complicated
@Deixis9 @rzeta0 @RnDanger @aral is this all you have to say? "That is complicated"?
No it's not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdMtyvlVm7s
@Deixis9 @RnDanger @aral @FelisCatus
All conflict is complicated; but that doesn't mean right and wrong cease to exist.
It doesn't mean that a shrug of the shoulders is ever an appropriate response to mass murder, torture and genocide facilitated by one's own government.
@Deixis9 @RnDanger @aral I think a good starting point would be to use the weapons to pressure the colonists. Threaten to end supplies unless they accept the peace deal and commit to full freedom for Palestinians.
As you said, they would get attacked again if they can't get weapons, so it would be in their interest to accept.
@KormaChameleon @Deixis9 @aral
They can have as many bullets as Palestine gets meals per day from land border crossings.
You would think that if the Israel state were so critically dependent on donations of US arms, it would also be critically sensitive to US demands to stop murdering children with those arms.
So either the Israeli state is not actually so dependent, or the US has not meaningfully demanded that Israel stop murdering children with its arms.
@HeavenlyPossum @aral @RnDanger or that there are other aspects to this that we know nothing about?