I just came across this (again) while cleaning up old photos*, and laughed way more than I probably should have.
*Deleting old memes and screenshots.
@EdCates mediocre, Morsov
@EdCates i miss #AgTwitter and you’re bringing it to the #fediverse!
@gentlegardener Make the Fediverse Rustic (Again?).
@EdCates Down on US-25W between Knoxville and Clinton, Tennessee, there's a store called Ciderville Music.
In the late pre-YouTube era, they ran their (to my knowledge) only TV ad, which includes a segment, indelibly burned into my mind, of an old lady saying, "There's a goat in my boat," before cutting to a paddleboat in their parking lot, with a goat in it.
I lived in Tennessee for over 25 years, and that was the most Tennessee thing I'd ever seen. This reminded me of it.
@TranshumanBlues That ad makes absolutely no sense. I love it.
@EdCates It drove my mom insane, while it was on the air. I didn't think it had much of an effect on me, but it continues to live rent-free in my head, twenty years later and six hundred miles away.
@TranshumanBlues "...and yet the boat in the goat continues to haunt me to this very day, like some Seussian nightmare from which I can never awaken."
Um...I mean...yeah, it was clearly a little bit more impactful than you thought.
Also, I can absolutely see your mom's point of view.
@EdCates The existence of tubgoat implies the existence of bugtote.
@EdCates that's why I created mastodon acc, for this content specifically <3
@EdCates hey, whatever floats your goat is good.
@EdCates This is delightful and I love it.
Yeah, you got me laughing too...thanks!
@EdCates not to be confused eith a thug boat and a goth boat!