We’re thrilled to announce the launch of New Green Horizons, a webzine dedicated to critical discussion of Green principles, platform, practice and history! New Green Horizons is a place for Greens to share ideas, debate, and grow the Green Party.
Fuck the Green Party after what they've just done in the USA!
Oh so it wasn't the #Democrats, who lost over 10 million to 15 million voters between 2020 and 2024 after refusing to stop or end a #genocide that #Israel is carrying out when if #KamalaHarris did that she would've won massive than how it turned out?
Kinda the elephant in the room for supporting the slaughter of #Palestine & #Gaza.
You are wrong on just so many levels that I don't know where to start.
Firstly, you're wrong on your vote count which makes clear that your other assertions have no value.
You are wrong about there being a genocide of course too.
You are not taking into account the role of Congress in providing military aid to Israel.
You are also discounting the support Americans have for the safety of Israel.
Are you happy about the work you put in and role you had making Trump a king?
#KamalaHarris lost:
- #Michigan by 90,203 votes. Stein got 44,359.
- #Florida by 1,430,205 votes. Stein got 42,877.
- #Georgia by 117,384 votes. Stein got 18,095.
- #NorthCarolina by 191,543 votes. Stein got 21,772.
- #Pennsylvania by 155,426 votes. Stein got 32,325.
- #Wisconsin by 31,319 votes. Stein got 12,143.
#JillStein & the #GreenParty didn't sway any state to #DonaldTrump. Not even close!
He got 3 Million fewer votes while she got 15 Million fewer votes than in 2020.
Let's check back this time next week and hopefully the votes will be done being counted.
To state that Jill Stein had no impact on the election is an outright lie or total ignorance. I saw her name in many media stories about the election and so did a lot of potential voters too.
@GreenFire Yeah and somehow got millions to vote for #JillStein, not the fact the #KamalaHarris lost more votes than #JoeBiden in 2020 and did every worst campaign strategy like literally making #HillaryClinton 2016 where "She's not #Trump".
Literally, the #Stein share of the #vote was absolutely tiny. while as Trump looks to have won quite easily over a 50% for the first time which is beyond the point where any spoiler effect would've mattered.
That's a fact!
It is a fact that the actions and attention that the self-described pro-Palestinian protesters are responsible for Trump getting elected as I tried to warn them it would. They sadly chose to help Putin rather than to defend democracy.
@Faithslayer202 @GreenFire
So if I read the trends correctly here, then I would say that the Stein-Campaign could maybe be the tip of the scales in some relevant electoral districts.
https://www.voanews.com/a/in-historic-shift-amerbekommt, ican-muslim-and-arab-voters-desert-democrats/7854995.html
It is a tragedy that people believe that a new Trump administration has a real interest in solving the conflict in the sense of any Palestinian. The best to hope that the conflict get frozen for a moment, just so long, Netanjahu wins an early election and finds a more or less reliable way to blow up the whole #Hamas tunnel system.
@DirkBoente @Faithslayer202
It is also impossible to measure how much the protests on campus and at campaign events and such had on Democratic as well as Republican turnout either.
It sure seemed like too high a risk to take considering the consequences to me as I've been saying all year and being called a genocide supporter for saying it.
@DirkBoente @Faithslayer202
Plus what really gets me about Jill Stein's rubes is that she's an actual genocide supporter.
Ah, yes... I stumbled across an article some time ago, which explained that the Green Party of USA isn't part of the Global Greens in this way, that "some" of this "derailments" of Steins an the Green Party make it impossible to join the Global Greens in the near future. I like to call them useful idiots, which doesn't mean they are not dangerous. If US wouldn't have a "Winner-Takes-it-All" voting system they have maybe an equally situation like we does have in Germany, which makes it possible that two parties which I have to call "our" Putin's useful idiots sell simple solutions to their voters like Stein does. It is a nightmare, especially they can maybe reach together 33% on the next federal vote... - Which means you cannot make changes to amendments or especially new one with out the support of one of this parties.
@Faithslayer202 @GreenFire unfortunately the war was manufactured and no one stopped it. Should have taken a s
Hard stance against #genocide.
Bet fewer controls on #israel under #orangemenace
@SaanichGuy @Faithslayer202
I don't think that either Netanyahu nor Hamas had an interest in the conflict ending before the election since the main goal of it was to install Trump back into the White House.
@Faithslayer202@mastodon.social @GreenFire@mstdn.social Eat shit directly out of my ass while I hot carl onto your "socialist" "left-wing" face you dumb fucking quisling purist fucktard.
Choke on it and die.
I'll make a confession. Because even at that young age I understood what an existential risk global warming was the Green Party was the first political party I joined.
I soon matured after learning more about their political approach and our political landscape though since I could see that they were causing more damage than good.
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