If you want to read some of the worst & most bizarrely hostile jokes in the world, click on " #JFK Files" under trending.
I do not see a future for the #Dems.
Nor a future for the #UnitedStates in fact.
There is hope. Until you give up.
@Darkphoenix I have more hope for people in #LatinAmerica, #EasternEurope and the #MiddleEast. Just not #America as it oppressed those regions and forced them into its savage ideology.
Our problem is we got lazy, because we were getting by and don't want to lose the little we have. It's a strong instinct to protect what you have. But, perhaps, enough are finally to the point of nothing left to lose, to finally open their eyes and fight back.
And those of us who remember the time before trickle down started stealing from the poor to subsidize the rich need to keep reminding ourselves and the rest of the country, that it was and still could be so much better.
More of #Liberals getting us to this place right now and why we deserve this.