David Tennant, of Dr Who fame, apparently said some pro trans things and now the TERFs are going after him on Twitter. His response is that he isn't worried because, and I quote, "I'll be fine, Terfs can't climb stairs"
I want that on a T-shirt. No, I NEED that on a T-shirt!
ETA: Apparently it was a parody account that said the stairs line. I still want it on a T-shirt.
@goatsarah listen I love that line, but it was a joke by a parody news account, not David Tennant himself. Bringing twitter jokes over here without context only makes it more important not to spread misleading untruths without fact checking
@GalatFemme You are, like, the fiftieth person who’s said this. Yes, fine, but this has gone viral and is stressing my micro instance. I would edit the post to reflect that, but that would just stress it again, so I need to wait until the virality has gone to dick about with it. That’s probably going to be tomorrow at the rate the queue backlog is slowly clearing, assuming it doesn’t encounter another massive growth spurt.
And I still want it on a T shirt. I don’t really care who said it. It’s not like we’re influencing elections or some shit here.