Did anyone else dabble with: Coherent (UNIX-like OS) in the early 90's?
It turns out it was open sourced in 2015, I'm certainly going to be exploring this again, here's the download link for anyone that's interested (4x Floppy Images):
@Gammitin Yes, and I still have the manual (and probably the floppies) around. The manual was very good and helped me build the basics of my Unix knowledge...
@silverwizard @Gammitin Here is what I could find at the moment; there was also a set of hand-labeled 4.0.1 3 1/2" disks, and since I have the 4.0 manual I think I also must have the original floppies, but where under all that dust? I also seem to remember that I had something in 5.25"...
@silverwizard @cm that's so awesome