Phase 2, 3x 5.25" Greaseweazle box, with 1.2MB - IBM Spec
360K - IBM Spec
160K/320K/640K (40/80 track switchable) Acorn Spec:
@Gammitin I love those authentic vintage shades of gray/yellow/brownish on the drives
@Gammitin the top two floppies look rather upside-down to me: are they, in fact?
@Gammitin ah! I thought the 1.2MB drive and Greaseweazle covered everything else?
@Gammitin -- My first thought : The tower with many drives... Second thought as ADHD takes over: Drive? Oh yeah, The Cars - Drive.... Who's going to drive you home...?
@Gammitin damnit, I still have not done raid on a bunch of floppy drives...
or did I.....
@Gammitin to play music right?