Via Shannon Watts:
Sen. Mitch #McConnell’s legacy will be that he purposefully undermined America’s first Black president, he broke the Supreme Court, he helped elect a fascist President, and he abetted up an insurrection on American soil.
@GottaLaff And he broke the Senate.
#MoscowMitch deserves the fate that awaits him as the most damaging Senate traitor in decades.
@Npars01 @HistoPol @kshapar @GottaLaff The harm he did to women alone…
167 million American women lost their civil rights thanks to #MoscowMitch
Over 1.2 million Americans lost their lives to covid because of #MoscowMitch and his GOP donors monetizing a pandemic for self-enrichment.
Thanks to #MoscowMitch , Putin is brewing a WW3 that may kill millions.
Like Trump, George Santos, and Speaker Mike Johnson, #MoscowMitch accepted Russian campaign donations to betray American democracy.
@Npars01 @GottaLaff @kshapar @HistoPol Have you noticed that the only time he seems to smile is when he has hurt someone? The man is just flat creepy.
@xvf17 @GottaLaff @kshapar @HistoPol
"The cruelty is the point.
Sadism means 'strength' to Republican megadonors like Elon Musk and #KochNetwork "
@Npars01 @kshapar @HistoPol @GottaLaff Can’t do it. This man effed up our country so very badly.
@poe1178 @Npars01 @kshapar @HistoPol @GottaLaff The damage that one man did will take generations to fix
@Npars01 @kshapar @HistoPol @GottaLaff I hope whatever he stepped down for hurts profoundly.
@Npars01 @HistoPol @kshapar @GottaLaff what fate is that exactly, retiring with a nice pension and a better retirement than you?
@Score2 @HistoPol @kshapar @GottaLaff
Sometimes, I delude myself with thoughts of hellfire roasting this evil old man in the afterlife
#MoscowMitch was a willing puppet of #KochNetwork, destroying democracy & the planet
Koch's $5 billion in tax evasion will fund the evil long after both are gone
Bradley Foundation's $850 million bought the end of voting rights for 50 million POC
Barre Seid's $1.6 billion bought the end of civil rights for 167 million American women
@kshapar @GottaLaff He broke the Senate, SCOTUS, the country...
@GottaLaff Also gave Turtles a bad name
@obot50549535 If you're a bot, you won't see this, but I don't open links without knowing what they are. Even supposed YouTube links. @otownKim
@GottaLaff @obot50549535 I didn't open it either. I just know the song
@otownKim I didn't even see a song. @obot50549535
@GottaLaff @obot50549535 @otownKim
Please enjoy this one instead
@steveportigal Which one? @obot50549535 @otownKim
@steveportigal There it is! @obot50549535 @otownKim
@GottaLaff @otownKim
Now I gotta confess, I never click on youtube links, and there I was posting a youtube link.
It's "So Happy Together" by The Turtles.
@obot50549535 Lol, thanks! @otownKim
@GottaLaff He is the “establishment” politician that most enabled the MAGA takeover of his party and government.
@michaelgemar @GottaLaff All while pretending to be against it.
@GottaLaff ... and he really didn't know when to leave.
@deborahh Oh he did. He's no dummy
@GottaLaff not sure how to read this ... he knew and stayed, regardless? (That'd be my take). Or something else?
@deborahh Yes, it's all about what benefits him and the party. He calculates everything. Something to be gained so he stayed. Maybe just the timing/election.
@GottaLaff aha. I was thinking of "when to leave ... for the good of the country". How silly of me! Sadly, the GOP will hold him in high honor for all of these things.
@zakalwe Oh def.
@GottaLaff fuck Mitch McConnell. I hope he rots in hell. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
@Sablebadger LOL, well said
Or the spineless coward who got his face eaten by the face eating lions. He was an idiot to think he could control the psychotic Republicans.
@GottaLaff and so much more
@GottaLaff How his legacy is written may depend upon who is writing the history. If the #Christofascists get full control, which I am not at all sure will not happen, he may well appear in a Riefenstahlian documentary as a early hero of the Reich.
Let's hope there is a massive voter turnout in the fall. Even then, the already #Fascist controlled states may perfect the coup attempted last time around, as Hartmann has described.
@GottaLaff Mitch McConnell is truly the author of our destruction. A monster.
@GottaLaff and he got rich.
@GottaLaff "My work here is done," Mitch, probably.
You had one job, Polio.
@GottaLaff Did McConnell finally die? If so, good! Fuck that guy
@CosmicTraveler No. See my TL for deets.
@CosmicTraveler @GottaLaff Appreciate the sentiment, tho.