Thank you for offering some further points for debate.
I will not start arguing about what Bernie Sanders (one person) and "socialist populists" might have said.
I am just asking: are you really offering RussiaToday and Twitter as sources?
Furthermore, you seem to underestimate how far the left spectrum in Europe goes.
As an example, here ist a screenshot from one of the two leading German business newspapers (#Handelsblatt) from 3 years ago. The #EU's
@TruthSandwich@qoto.org @futurebird
...leadership was discussing #nationalization of key companies. Fortunatelly, the Pandemic did not lead to the nationalization of all of these companies.
Furthermore, the adminstration of national natural resources has proven exploitative and to the detriment of the national interests in many Western countries (e.g. #BigOil, water privatiziation in the #UK, etc.)
Just this week, the CA state government successfully...
@TruthSandwich@qoto.org @futurebird
...halted an abusive water-extraction practice that had persisted for decades. And you only need 5 minutes what #Nestlé ist doing globally.
I am not in favor of #socialism, however equating #socialism with #nationalization is just incorrect (see second screenshot)
Home European Socialists and the State in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries Chapter
European Socialists and the...
@TruthSandwich@qoto.org @futurebird
...State: A Comparative and Transnational Approach
Mathieu Fulla & Marc Lazar
First Online: 06 August 2020
290 Accesses
Part of the Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements book series (PSHSM)
Many political observers in Western democratic countries equate socialism with statism. From the late 1970s onwards, numerous socialist elites and experts have helped to nurture this widespread belief. This...
@TruthSandwich@qoto.org @futurebird
...chapter aims to dispel this reductive, indeed incorrect, account of the relationship between West European socialism and the idea, form, and use of the state. It challenges what remains a dominant interpretation of the left’s propensity for state intervention in political and journalistic debates." *
Now, I do agree that there have been huge #DarkMoney flows...
@TruthSandwich@qoto.org @futurebird
..from the #Kremlin to the #US. Much of it has been documented to go to the #NRA. And we all know which party they generally support. (Of course, that is not the whole picture - see e.g. Sen. #Whitehouse's investigation.)