I am trying to do an image search on Google.
I have a VPN activated.
Google seems to block me doing so.
Can anyone corroborate this?
@HistoPol public VPN or private VPN?
Public VPN often gets blocked due to others abusing the service (eg by massively searching for google dorks)
Using an app...external, I guess?
@HistoPol yeah, sounds like that those IP ranges get blocked due to abuse
Yes, but I've never seen this happening on a Google site.
Maybe massive screenscrapping by AI going on, hm?
@HistoPol I’ve often seen it happening with free/public VPN and ssh servers. Often it’s temporary, so it’s unpredictable. AI can definitely be a cause. Also the types of requests you’re doing might trigger this and the list of ‘bad things’ frequently changes (depending on what the rest of the world does).