It is funny that your source should not travel further back in time, to at least include the time of the #Hittites and #Ramesses II, as the indicisive #BattleOfKadesh led to the first known peace treaty in 1274 BCE.
That would have been a fitting ending.
BTW, I went even further back in time until the beginning of humanity.
If you ignore the fact that early humans crossed from #Africa (and probably the...
@marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
@specked @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
...#Arabian peninsula into the #Asian continent and came through the region of #Palestine, then you will quickly see that that region has since times immemorial been like a train station that belongs to nobody and everyone: peoples and armies coming through over millennia.
How do we resolve the dispute then if the "older rights principle" won't work either?
Maybe not that difficult: few people will dispute that the #UN were legally founded.
For some ...
@specked @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
...-one believing in a representative democracy , the did have the right to settle legal issues.
"Despite strong #Arab opposition, the #UnitedNations votes for the partition of #Palestine and the creation of an independent #Jewish state on this day in 1947."
But the #UN decided on the creation of 2 states:
"...and partitioning #Palestine into two independent States, one #Palestinian "
#Arab and the other #Jewish,...
@specked@social.right.wtf @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
#History of #Palestine and #Israel
...with #Jerusalem internationalized (Resolution 181 (II) of 1947). "
It goes without saying that the legitimacy of a #Jewish state is inseparably intwined
With the #Creation of a 2nd #Palestinian state.