#GeoPol #WarInGaza #Israel #UN
"...but also on the ground realities at the time, such as the #Jewish population's presence and the outcome of the #Arab-#Israeli War of 1948."
I can agree with all the facts that you state here (with the whole post, in fact) as they coincide with my recollection of things I have read and heard in the past. Thank you, too, for the recap.
However, just like President #Biden, I am...
@wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
@wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
#GeoPol #WarInGaza #Israel #UN #Jewish #Arab #Israeli #Biden
...a firm believer in the post-#WWII rules-based international system.*
I strongly resent the 19th century notion that war is the last resort of politics.
As #vonClausewitz stated in his epic book, #VomKriege:
"Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln.“ (Chapter 1, Sect. 24, 1832)
[War is the mere continuation of politics with other means."]
@specked @wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
...since the advent of the #OverkillCapacity, *humanity simply cannot afford this option.*
Thus, a won war will not give the victor any legal or moral claim to a territory.
#EthnicCleansings, e.g. by means of #MassDeportations of a population, e.g. of the #Crimean #Tartars**, and then phony #plebiscites years later, or causing a population to flee en masse from a war (e.g. through the #Russian invasion of...
@specked @wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
...including the 2014 coup in #Crimea) *must never be a basis for any future legal claim. The same holds true for state-sponsered land-grabs of territory that is *not internationally recognized.*
I can agree with your analysis with regard to the causes, and I, personally, even think resettlement of *all* ethnicities in the #MiddleEast will be necessary to create viable states and a longer lasting peace for all peoples involved, but...
@specked @wikipedia @marcelliotnet @Oeneus@assortedflotsam.com
...simply *not because a state had the better military and created these facts.*
The erroneous "might makes right" concept, still espoused by the #Bush Admistration, as well as autocrats like #Putin and #Xi, would have desastrous consequences for the world order (e.g. #Ukraine, #SouthChinaSea, #Taiwan, etc.).
Excellent interview with #President #Biden by historian #HeatherCoxRichardson on #InternationalPolicy: