Seit 30 Jahren warnen Klimaforscher: Erderwärmung führt zu mehr Extremregen. Die Messdaten bestätigen das schon lange.
Vielleicht wäre es doch gut, mehr auf die Wissenschaft zu hören?
Zahlreiche Tote bei Überschwemmungen in Brasilien
@rahmstorf erst seit 30 Jahren? Ich wäre eher bei 50...
@dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf Stimmt, Club of Rome 1972...
#ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents
I was curious. I searched for the Club of Rome's full text of #LimitsToGrowth 1) and then searched it for
- * rain*
- *precipitation*
- *weather*
no hits at all!
. The report is about economics. It barely mentions #AtmosphericCO2 and focuses just on #ThermalPollution in one part.
1) (complete epub version )
Cc @rahmstorf
@wanderspieler @dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf
#ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents
...The #ClimateChange potential is mentioned only very vaguely:
"Thermal pollution may have
serious climatic effects, worldwide, when it reaches some appreciable fraction of the energy normally absorbed by the earth from the sun."
The economically insightful study, #LimitsToGrowth just references to another study:...
@wanderspieler @dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf
#ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents
..."Inadvertent Climate Modification, Report of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate" 2)
There, you find 25 "rain" hits. Reading them, it becomes clear that knowledge was very limited back then
. No surprise, it doesn't talk about "extreme weather events" either:
"...especially in the Northern Hemisphere — which would occur after the arctic sea ice melted are unknown,...
@wanderspieler @dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf
#ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents
...but they might be large and include changes in precipitation, seasonal temperatures, wind systems, and ocean currents
The possible effects on the #Greenland ice cap are likewise unknown—whether it would increase because of an increase in precipitation or begin to melt, and how long it might take for such changes to occur, although we believe any such changes would take many centuries.
@wanderspieler @dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf
...In my understanding, the authors even reach a different conclusion:
"Many apparent #Pluvials [epocs of a more humid climate] were due only to the de¬ crease of evaporation with lower temperatures, without marked change of precipitation; evidence of an actual increase of rainfall is rare."
Focus seems to have been #CloudSeeding and #PrecipitationScavenging.
*So, from the materials researched,...*
@wanderspieler @dr_jo_mue @rahmstorf
#ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents
*...the global increase in the frequently of #ExtremeWeatherEvents, including torrential #rainfall like the ones currently taking place in #Brazil was NOT something known as early as 1972.*