I think that @HistoPol would be a better source to ask this:
"My question is….how did they get classified documents? They should be in jail for even receiving them let alone disseminating the info."
I'll add that with all of the weaponized disinfo being thrown at us during this hybrid war that we should not come to conclusions on this kind of stuff too early in investigation.
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
"My question is….how did they get classified documents? They should be in jail for even receiving them let alone disseminating the info."
#Europe is not the #US. In several countries, including #Germany, an independent press serves as an important Fourth Estate in the system of checks and balances.
Some #German newspapers, such as the #SüddeutscheZeitung, are part of an international cross-media...
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
...organizations focussing on #InvestigativeJoournalism (e. g. #PanamaPapers, #SuisseSecrets, etc,) usually involving data leaks and #DataJournalism.
What has already been uncovered about the disgraced #PutinsPuppet and former Chancellor #GerhardSchröder, who unquestionable profited greatly from his favoritism of #Putin while serving as chancellor,...
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
...AT LEAST after retiring from public office, is worrying.
Connecting the dots: Hardly a week seems to pass by without a new scandal involving a representative of the extremist right-wing AfD (#NoAfD) party. Several "allegedly" have received huge sums of money in return for access to the #German and #European parliaments.
Now, there is no indication that either #Scholz or #Merkel ever...
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
...received any money from #Moscow. However, given the loads of #DarkMoney having been spen by the #Kremlin in Western democracies, it would be astonishing, if #Putler's agent hadn't AT LEAST tried to suborn the successors of #Schröder as well.
I am positive that the former #KGB agent was an avoid student of #SunTzu.
And now, let's ask the decisi ve question of the evening:
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
...IF bribery was only attempted and NO other key personnel at the #CDU and #SPD were really involved, *why are both parties stonewalling?!?*
Finally, YES, this is a matter of #NationalSecurity (or rather #EUsecurity.) HOWEVER, the current (scarce, admittedly) evidence rather seems to suggest that the political leaders might have been *knowingly* endangering EU security.
Therefore, a...
#DEpol #RUSpol #HybridWarfare #InfoWarfare
...complete official investigation with full access rights is, in my view, essential.
If a public official committed high treason, we all need to know and they need to be held to account, in #Europe, #America, and elsewhere.