Megaconstellations like Starlink will increase atmospheric aluminum oxide amounts to 646% over natural levels ( +360 metric tons / year ).
It will take up to 30 years for the aluminum oxides to drift down to stratospheric altitudes, where 90% of Earth's ozone is located.
Once there aluminum oxide will act as a catalyst with chlorine harming the ozone layer.
#ClimateCatastrophe #OzoneLayer #Starlink
s/:#Elmo knows why setting on #Mars and beyond might be the only option for mankind:
Not only do his #SpaceX rockets contribute to #GlobalWarming and are the spaceship launches detrimental to the ozone layer.
No, as if this weren't enough, plethora of #Starlink** satellites will destroy a big part of what will be left of it, one they fall back onto Earth, 30y tops:
*In case you missed it: