@Outmazi Too bad it is CIS HET oriented. It reminds me of an old novel I read decades ago called Chrome which was GAY
@Outmazi Riffing on the CIS HET theme, Dreams In Digital by Orgy fits the #ElmoMusk pic https://youtu.be/NczLNctogZk?feature=shared
@Outmazi I once had respect for #Elmo but not anymore. He's another #ShortDarkTriad #Narcissist like #Trump
Interesting that you mention the term #DarkTriad in relation to them.
@HistoPol @Outmazi Thanks for the link and the support. My degree is in #PsychologicalMeasurement. Interestingly, one can prompt Google Gemini and ChatGPT to characterize the personalities of politicians and people on the web from using their own words and various psychological instruments:
I'm pretty sure you saw #MinorityReport.
For people like famous and infamous politicians and celebs it should really soon become possible to generate psychological profiles (#Profiling) and predict their probable reactions to certain circumstances or responses to questions about public issues.
@HistoPol @Outmazi Issac Asimov was prescient https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_(book_series)
@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @Outmazi
It's one of my two favorite sagas.
However, if I remember it correctly, #Asimov's #Psychohistory was about predicting the evolution/behavior of a large number of people, not individuals.
Ever since #FrankHerbert's #Dune, who was blowing into the same horn, I think that, in fact, there are individual people whose actions can have on society.
For instance, take the #Republican chief economist #JamesBuchanan. Wiki states that he was converted from...
@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @Outmazi
#SciFi #Psychohistory #Asimov
...a marxist to a free-marketeer within weeks by one of his professors, a founder of the #ChicagoSchool.
For decades, he has been one of the key Republican scientific cornerstones that paved the way for #RonaldReagan and ultimately #TFG.
How would #UShistory be different w/o these two impactful presidents?
This is but one example. I didn't pick an emperor like # #Augustus or a dictator like #Sulla, #Hitler, #Stalin or #Putler...
@HistoPol @Outmazi I was recently reading about #JamesBuchanan. I darker version of #AynRand and #Hyeck https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Hayek.html