Elon Musk attempts to turn Germany fascist by appearing at the AfD party convention this weekend.
How many members of the Bundestag are still using X, thereby supporting his ad revenue?
And all over Europe: If your country has parliament members still on X, ask them why they support the ad revenue of a guy who is spreading fascism.
@randahl After deleting my account of X, I was wondering though the impact from removing a lot of non-fascists thoughts and publications from the public discourse on X. It may be best to keep the data there but just not post anything? Grok will be pure fascist otherwise and the echo bubble amplified.. I understand that more users adds some legitimacy for marketers but what if you keep only the old posts for example pointing out trump's and maga's crimes and links with russian oligarchs/putin
@HumainVirtuel @randahl But the non-fascist material will not get any meaningful exposure! Perhaps it still does a bit today (though I doubt it), but the moment it gets 'dangerous', it will be game over. You cannot win on a battlefield of the enemy's choosing.
@HumainVirtuel I just left without deleting my account.
Keeping the account prevents someone else from creating an account with that handle to impersonate me.